
Are you stuck in a boring job? Are you yearning for a chance to spread your wings? Good news: the wait is over!
Do you want to create elegant and useful interfaces for world-leading brands and cutting-edge web applications such as Fluxiom.com and MaikoApp.com Do you feel comfortable carrying an idea from first draft to finished product while working with a closely-knit team of experts? Do you love to turn complex interaction models into beautiful and readable code? Do you want to create products that enable people to be successful doing what they love?
Still nodding? Then you should apply, provided you can bring along the following:
- 5+ years of experience in front-end development
- Fluency in JavaScript, HTML, CSS (SASS), and jQuery
- Working knowledge of Backbone.js, Bootstrap, and CoffeeScript
- A sound understanding of Rails
- Familiarity with GitHub and Heroku
- EU citizenship or a work permit for Austria
Whom you’ll work with

Thomas is our product guy. He leads all things UI and UX and sets the direction of the ship, with plenty of output from his trusted team of innovators. He also happens to be the founder and CEO of Wollzelle.
Nadja keeps the wheels turning: whether she’s compiling research, performing miracles in Photoshop or torturing our beta products at the testing stations, her results will surprise you!
Dave is our resident genius for all things IT. His heart is about as big as his brain, and they have both earned him a central place on the team. He specialises in un-sticking whatever locks up as we develop new products.
Christina keeps the pace and manages our clients. As COO, she’s in charge of design and project management, personally leads our key accounts, and makes sure we stay on message at all times. She knows the Gucci brand inside-and-out, to the point we sometimes feel she has psychic powers.
Tom is the back-end magician in charge of continuous integration. He holds all the keys to the engine room and keeps everything on board running smoothly, whatever the weather.
William performs front-end magic. His are the shoes you are poised to fill, but fret not: he’ll show you the ropes, and, of course, the whole team will rally round to ease your foray into the job!
We are…

- Centrally located in Vienna, a world capital with amazing history and a bright future.
- Passionate about nurturing a diverse team in a forward-looking environment.
- Flexible with holidays and downtime, provided the work gets done.
- Committed to offering great health benefits to everybody (Mens sana and all that.)
- Open to supporting your relocation efforts, provided you are set up to work in the EU.
- Excited about technology — which is why you’ll be provided with the very best at all times.
- Generous with our salaries and appreciative of your talents. The salary for this position starts at 35K€ gross per annum. The actual salary will depend on your qualifications.
Apply today
Fill in the form below to apply, and be sure to tell us as much about yourself and your work as you possibly can. We promise to review all applications carefully, and it helps to get the conversation started!