
The Holidays are upon us — time for all to rest, relax, and enjoy the restorative company of friends and family.
In accordance with our custom, the team will take a few days off to enjoy the festivities, from 22 December to 6 January. Rest assured however that administrators will continue to keep as close an eye as ever on the servers during that time. Ongoing projects will be put briefly on ice, like fine champagne, and will soon resume with a bang.
Speaking of projects, we at Wollzelle wanted to thank you all for your continued support. You have made 2014 one of our best years ever, and we can’t wait to get started together on the next!

We are once again celebrating the Holidays by donating to a cause that is dear to our hearts. This year, Wollzelle supports Integrationshaus, a Viennese charity dedicated to providing safety and support to refugees who have faced abuse and ill-treatment in their home country. Donations will be made in the name of our clients and partners, and we hope you can join us in this gift — in thought, if not necessarily in deed.
May 2015 bring you joy, success, happiness, and fulfilment! Geruhsame Feiertage und einen beschwingten Start ins Neue Jahr!