Wollzelle is thrilled to announce it has been chosen by Galerie Gernot Rammer to build its much anticipated online presence.
The clean design of this website is accentuated by crisp graphics. Its focus on layout through typography and negative space enables the artwork to shine.

Fully integrated e-commerce capabilities allow collectors to seamlessly scrutinise and purchase the works they are interested in. A wide array of supporting materials, such as prints and books, completes the offer. Of course, social features facilitate interactions with the Gallery at every step.

Underneath its glossy and inviting appearance, the site is powered by a full-featured engine that means real business. Inventory management, tracking and statistics, even CRM, have all been custom-built and integrated by Wollzelle right into the platform.

The site will launch with an ambitious project dubbed Fankultur macht Kunst, that explores fan culture in Austria through the complex prism of football. Supported by star players and official organisations alike, the artworks by renowned artist Thomas Strobl offer a unique glimpse into the infectious experience of rooting together for a team. Far away from football cliches, this life-affirming exhibit celebrates sport, social interactions and that very special link that unites us all.
The site will launch with an exciting project dubbed Fankultur macht Kunst. It explores fan culture in Austria through the prism of football, and is supported by star players and official organisations alike. The artworks by renowned artist Thomas Strobl offer a unique glimpse into the infectious experience of rooting together for a team.

Be sure to RSVP on Facebook for a chance to participate in the vernissage, taking place on June 6 at 7 PM at the Wiener Sportklub! It’s the perfect event to get in the mood and meet like-minded Art lovers.