
Over 580 entries from 21 countries were submitted to participate at this years 20th International GALAXY Awards 2009.
We are pleased to announce that wollzelle received Gold for the WHS Annual Report 2008, category: annual report, NPO (Non Profit Organization)s.
The Grand Winner in the category of Annual Reports is Bertelsmann AG. Jung von Matt won the top honor, Best of Show, on behalf of the Hamburg Philharmonic Orchestra for their dynamic publicity campaign.
We are very excited and like to thank Evelyn Weismüller, CEO of the Wiener Hauskrankenpflege, and her team for the great partnership.
About the annual report
The WHS’ 2008 annual report is part official document part catalogue, showing both the human and financial aspects of this respected non-profit organization, in a single go, and reflects the warmth and energy that radiate from the institution and empower its staff.

Each still life (taken at their clients homes) reflecting the everyday reality of those the WHS supports. Each shot is both a work of art in itself, and a powerful testimonial of life in Vienna today. Strong type structures the pages and links together the various sections of the report.
Designing the annual report 2008 was a very exciting process and you can find more details about it in an earlier post.
About the client
The Wiener Hauskrankenpflege (WHS) approaches communication seriously. By making themselves known, and by interacting with people of all ages, they reach out to potential new clients, but also further the cause of affordable, quality home care that empowers elderly patients and helps them enjoy their lives to the fullest in spite of the ailments of age.
About the award
The Awards Competition is sponsored by MerComm, Inc., founded in 1987 with the principal purpose of advancing the arts and sciences of communications in an international arena. The organization strives to establish and promote high standards of individual and collective achievement by way of recognizing the multi-disciplines involved in professional communications.
- All winners 2009 (category: annual report)
- Galaxy Award press release.