Have you also been spending the past few days tirelessly fine-tuning iPhoto ’09 and its face recognition algorithm to successfully identify friends, family and maybe even pets?
Have you noticed, however, how iPhoto sometimes beats us at our own game by finding faces we didn’t even think of? Ghouls in the garage, deities in the draperies and warlocks in the wardrobe are the order of the day.

In the spirit of fun, I have started a little Flickr group dubbed unknown face that highlights these very moments. These shots may be fun, unwillingly witty or downright absurd, but they’re all genuine misfirings.
Think of it as a fellow-developer — and photographer! — paying homage to the truly excellent work of the iPhoto team. If you feel like a little procrastination is just what the doctor ordered, feel free to join the group — it’s open to all — and contribute your own snappy snafus. See you there!
Update: A tip of the hat to the ApfelBlog for mentioning our virtual get-together!