Whether the month of December has to you a religious significance or merely a cultural one, chances are you too are battling against the gloom of winter and early nights with light arrangements, decorations and the usual assortment of seasonal foodstuffs. The wollzelle team is, of course, no exception.

This year, we are proud to introduce the wollzelle Santa, who, unlike his more traditional colleagues, opts for orange dress and winters in Vienna. It started innocently enough with an idea to spruce up our office for the holidays, which gradually turned into an ambitious wall decor project requiring the confection of special stencils and the consumption of many a delicious croissant, as evidenced by our Flickr photo-stream.
As the project grew, so did Santa, and he now adorns a full wall of the office, from top to bottom, casting a gleeful eye over our busy operations. Acute viewers will notice we introduced an element of the third dimension in the mural, in the form of magic tokens springing out of his hat — and out of the wall, onto the tree.

Of course, this is only the first of many outings for our Santa. He has already made an appearance on our holiday cards (front and back and reliable sources have let it be said he may be back among us with renewed energy in 2009.

In the meantime, we at wollzelle would like to grasp this occasion to thank you all for your continued interest in our work. Your energy and enthusiasm keep us energized, and we are very much looking forwards to spending another year in your company. To you and to yours, a very good month and a great many cheers!