We’re looking for a designer and a developer to join our team here in vienna. The line between those two job descriptions are blurred, especially here at wollzelle it isn’t much about filling a job title, but about finding people with a particular mindset. So here are some things that are important to us:
for the designer
- Minimum of 3 years experience in the on- and offline design world.
- You know Adobe’s CS Suite inside out. Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator will be open on your computer pretty much non-stop.
- HTML, CSS and JavaScript knowledge.
- Additional knowledge of Flash, Flex are not essential, but welcome.
for the developer
- Minimum of 3 years experience in web application development (both front-end and back-end), good knowledge of relational databases and SQL (preferably PostgreSQL) and a broad programming background.
- Very thorough HTML, CSS and JavaScript knowledge.
- You know Ruby on Rails, Prototype and script.aculo.us inside out.
for both
- You are continuously fascinated by interactive design and the opportunities it offers.
- You care about everything you do creatively and you enjoy being part of a team of creatives and love a good discussion.
- An Apple Macintosh computer as your primary development tool.
- Languages: German/English.
And last but not least: You like to work hard and you’re nice to people. This is a permanent position in Vienna, salary is based on experience. So, if you’re familiar with our work and think you could add to make it better don’t hesitate to send us:
- Your CV
- A link to your portfolio or at least 3 references of your previous work
- A salary expectation
to jobs[at]wollzelle[dot]com.
Absolutely NO AGENCIES please.