
Keynote by David H. Hansson at RailsConf 2007 in Portland, Oregon introducing Rails 2.
It started off with Chad Fowler, organizer of RailsConf, welcoming the enormous crowd. He encouraged the people to donate for charity because he felt that this would alleviate some of the bad rep that Rails lovers get for being, in his words, arrogant bastards.
“If everyone gave $75, we can make a loud noise from this event.”
I didn’t saw that much arrogant bastards in the house nor I would describe it with the words from a slide from Adam Keys that said “You are surrounded by idiots” ;) So there’s a lot to learn for all you not so arrogant bastards out there;) Get real with the arrogant bastard t-shirt:

If you think the arrogant bastard t-shirt is for sissies you can also go for this one:

I made no picture of the back of the t-shirt because it’s white, it’s not stuffed with logos or something. That means you are not limited to wear it only when painting your house.
For all attendees to RailsConf Europe later this year in Berlin: I hope that Chad Fowler plays the Ukulele again - that was awesome!
Here are some images of and off the conference:

Check out the RailsConf wiki where you will find the slides of almost all presentations.