
Together with the Worldwide e-Business team at Gucci, wollzelle created a new and unique online experience for www.gucci.com.
We’ve been working with Gucci for the last two months to make this happen and it’s great to finally be able to share it with the world.

The new website debuts the german and french online stores as well as a whole new shopping experience. With no extraneous material or distraction, the design concentrates on the brand and it’s luxury products. The horizontal design provides an elegant way to explore the variety of products at a glance, while the interaction design emphazises the shopping experience without distraction.
“ Wollzelle provided us with the ability to implement a vision of luxury online shopping that we have been working towards for a number of years. They are imaginative problem solvers, technical magicians, creative designers, and exceptional partners. —Matt Marcus, Worldwide Director e-Business, Gucci

The site uses the technology developed by wollzelle with the open source script.aculo.us library, extracted from our digital asset management fluxiom, to achieve its seemless interactive user experience without using proprietary browser plug-ins— with the user never noticing what’s going on under the wraps. It just works.
We’ve been thrilled to see the level of interest Gucci has taken to break out from the flash based fashion sites and take the next step in continuing their industry leading position in online retailing.
Thanks so much to Matt Marcus (Worldwide Director, e-Business), Phil Vasilevski (Senior Developer) and the whole team.